What is Domain Authentication / DKIM?

Below are some frequently asked questions on Domain Authentication. If you're looking for how to set up Domain Authentication for your company, see Domain Authentication Configuration

What is Domain Authentication?

Domain Authentication is a mechanism that verifies the email from the point of its origin by validating the email sender. It checks emails to rule out any possibility of spamming or spoofing thereby protecting the sender's good reputation. Authenticating your domain allows for smooth transfer of emails through spam filters and into your recipient's inbox.

What is DKIM?

This is an advanced method of Domain Authentication, used widely by email service providers. It allows the senders to authenticate their campaigns by including a digital signature in the email header. This can be done by publishing the TXT record in your domain's DNS settings. It allows an organization to claim responsibility for a message in a way that can be validated by the recipient.

Essentially, it verifies that an email message was sent from an authorized mail server, in order to detect forgery and to prevent delivery of harmful email like spam.

What is a DNS Management system?

DNS stands for Domain Name System. Every domain name (for example ' www.marketo.com') is linked to an IP address. The IP address is a unique address recognition of a network (for example This enables any computer that is connected to the internet to find the corresponding website. The link between the domain name and the IP address is called the Domain Name System (DNS). DNS is also used to look for mail servers of a specific domain; DNS-data contains the IP addresses that have permission to send email from a specific domain name.

Your DNS Management system is where you will update your DNS settings and publish the TXT records that Alyce provides.

Who does the Alyce auto-generated email come from?

The auto-generated email comes from [email protected]. If working with a customer, tell them to mention that in their communication to their IT Department, so their colleague knows what to look for.