Adding a Compliance Prompt for Your Team

Depending on where they work, some prospects may have restrictions on receiving gifts. This is especially true when working with prospects in the public sector. 

If you’re working with trickier recipients and you want your reps to get approval before gifting them, a compliance prompt can help. It’s an editable form that will show up in the gift flow after a sales rep searches or adds a recipient.

To set this up for your team, read the instructions below:

Select the team you want to update from the Team Settings page 

Click on Gift Invites in the team menu bar, and click "Change" in the Compliance option. 

Here you’ll want to select “Yes, ask team members” to turn on the compliance prompt, and you’ll write your own prompt message and revert message. You have the option to add a link if you’d like to direct the reps to a new page. 

The prompt message will show up in the gift flow as soon as a rep adds a new person to the platform. The revert message will be displayed once the rep selects “Not approved” on the prompt message. You can preview your compliance message by clicking on the “Preview compliance check” link.

Finally, click “Save”.