Gift Recipient Notification Emails Sent from Alyce

Alyce sends transactional emails to your gift recipient at important moments throughout the gifting experience. These emails have been carefully crafted to reflect the generosity and fun you had hand-selecting the gift.

Sending A Gift

Alyce Gift Invitation:

If you choose email as the invite delivery method, the message is sent from [email protected] or the gift sender if their email is connected, and here is what that email will include: 

Gift Accepted, Meeting Booked

If you require that a gift recipient book a meeting with you prior to redeeming their gift, we send a message from [email protected], and here is the email they will receive: 

Alyce Gift Claimed

If your gift recipient has opted to donate their gift, we send a message from [email protected], and here is the email that will be sent to them:


Gift has been shipped:

When an order has been processed, and a gift is on its way, we send a message from [email protected], and this email will be sent to your gift recipient:

Delivery of Gift Card

If a gift card is chosen, we send a message from [email protected], and the recipient will receive a gift code to redeem it:

Information Needed

Sometimes, sending the gift might require additional information from your gift recipient ( ie, zip code, suite number, etc. ). In the event that more information is required to send a gift. We send a message from [email protected]and this email will be sent:

Out of Stock

In the event that an item selected is out of stock, we send a message from [email protected], and your gift recipient will receive this email:


There might be an occasion where a gift was sent back. In this event, we will alert your gift recipient and send a message from [email protected], and allow them to select a new gift of the same amount.


A physical invitation does not reach the recipient:

In the unlikely chance that a physical invitation was not able to reach your recipient, we will resend the invitation digitally from [email protected]:

Unclaimed Gifts:

If your gift recipient hasn't accepted their gift, Alyce will trigger a series of emails encouraging them to accept their gift. The sequencing of these emails will depend on the expiration date set on your gifting Campaign and the type of gift invitation, and we send those reminders from [email protected].

Physical Invite First Gift Reminder

If your physical gift invitation is not responded to after 2 days, Alyce will send your gift recipient this email as a first reminder to claim it.

Physical Invite Second Gift Reminder

Should the physical invite gift landing page continue not to be viewed after 5 days, Alyce will send this email reminder to your gift recipient:

Gift Viewed but Unclaimed

If the recipient has viewed the gift landing page but hasn't claimed a gift, Alyce will send a reminder 2 days after they view the gift.

Gift Is Expiring Soon Reminder

Should the gift continue to not be viewed, Alyce will send this email reminder to your gift recipient 7 days before the gift is set to expire:

Alyce Gift Expired 

If your gift is not claimed in the duration of your gifting campaign, we send a message from [email protected], and there is the email that will be sent to your gift recipient:

If you would like to undo the expiration of a gift for your recipient, please contact the Support Team at [email protected].