Leveraging the Alyce Custom Object in Marketo

The Alyce Custom Object allows you to insert different tokens associated with the recipient's gift in your reminder emails. Now in your reminder emails you can include a Gift Name or Gift Link.

After enabling the Alyce Custom Object during installation, the Alyce Gift custom object will be available.   

Creating a Token

To leverage the Alyce Custom Object, you will first need to create the token(s) within the Program, or alternatively, at the Folder level so it will be inherited by all Programs / Folders inside the Parent Folder.

  1. Navigate to the Folder/Program then select the "My Tokens" tab at the top.
  2. Drag "Email Script" from the right column into the main panel.   
  3. Name the token (ex: AlyceGiftLink) and select "Click to Edit".  
  4. In the right panel, SELECT the value under "Alyce Gift" the token is being created for.  Do NOT drag and drop the object into the text editor.
  5. Add the appropriate trigger value string into the text editor and SAVE, then SAVE again when the window closes.
    • Available values are:
      • ${TriggerObject.giftLink}
      • ${TriggerObject.giftName}.  

Configuring the token in an email

Within the email editor, click Insert Token.  Scroll until you reach tokens starting with {{my. and select the token you created.   

Create a Smart Campaign

Within your Smart Campaign, drag and drop the Trigger "Added to Alyce Gift" into your Smart List.   

Within the Flow, add your:

  • Wait steps
  • Remove from Flow step
    • You must specify the invitation recipients who will NOT receive this email. 
  • Send Email step
    • Select the email configured above

Don't forget to ACTIVATE from the Schedule tab when ready, and to use the Results tab to view the results.

In this example, the reminder email is for recipients who have an invitation sent but not viewed.

To achieve that, we Remove from Flow invites that have been Viewed, Accepted, Declined, or Expired.