Alyce for Salesforce - Application Components Overview

Components Overview

This is a list of all component types in the Alyce Salesforce application, along with how many of each type, and a brief description of their general usage

Action 3 Enable users to access sending gift flow in contacts and leads. Not currently used in favor of buttons.
AlyceSupportedCountryName 8 Used to determine the country of users and connect back to Alyce database
Apex Class 169 Core application code/capabilities
Apex Trigger 2 A trigger used to update Alyce object information
App 2 Core Alyce application, Alyce Authentication Connector
Aura Component Bundle 2 Lightning buttons to send gifts
Button or Link 7 Buttons used to open Visualforce pages for gift sending flow
Custom Field 165 148 fields related to Alyce custom objects, 5 fields added to lead, contact, and account objects for pushing Alyce information into automated workflows and other integrations, and 2 fields added to user object to connect users to Alyce
Custom Metadata Type 1 Used to match country information to Alyce
Custom Object 10 1 user-facing object for gifts, 1 object for campaign member status, 1 to enable / disable features and functionality, 4 objects that enable permissions /access, 1 object for connecting Alyce core object to standard objects for field updates, 1 object for connecting Alyce campaigns to Salesforce campaigns, 1 object to manage Alyce < -> Salesforce Sync.
Duplicate Rule 1 Used to ensure no duplicate data created
Lightning Page 2 Alyce specific pages for Contacts and Leads
Matching Rule 1 Used to prevent duplicate Alyce gifts
Page Layout 6 Alyce specific page layouts
Permission Set 1 Alyce specific permissions
Remote Site 3 Alyce sites for the application, sandbox, and log reporting
Report 3 Alyce template reports
Report Folder 1 Folder for Alyce template reports
Static Resource 8 Alyce specific designs
Tab 5 Alyce tabs for gift invitations, settings, isolated invitations, team management, and admin
Validation Rule 1 Used to ensure gift objects tie back to Alyce
Visualforce Component 15 Components used for Alyce specific flows
Visualforce Page 35 Pages used for Alyce specific flows

Apex Trigger

Component Name Description/Usage
GiftTrigger Trigger to update campaign member status based on gift status, sets gift owner based on Alyce sender, and sets account and opportunity based on contact information

Custom Fields

The Alyce Salesforce application contains 165 total custom fields, of these 17 relate back to standard Salesforce objects
Object Standard/Custom # of Fields Description/Usage
Account Standard  5 Fields describing information on most recent gift
Alyce Batch Job Schedule Custom 8 Used to manage Alyce batch data updates
Alyce Campaign Custom 5 Used for matching Alyce and Salesforce data
Alyce Endpoints Custom 5 Used for connecting Alyce to Salesforce
Alyce Team Custom 5 Used for matching Alyce and Salesforce data, along with user-specific gifting capabilities
Alyce User Activity Custom 2 Used for tracking Alyce activity in Salesforce
Alyce User Information Custom 9 Manages Alyce user information in Salesforce
AlyceSupportedCountryName Custom 1 Used for matching Alyce country to Salesforce
Campaign Member Status Map Custom 2 Used for mapping campaign and gift statuses from Alyce to Salesforce
Contact Standard 5 Fields describing, initial, most recent, and total gifts
Gift Custom 99 Main Alyce object, storing majority of gift related information
Lead Standard 5 Fields describing information on most recent gift
User Standard 2 Used to match Alyce user to Salesforce User

Custom Objects and Settings

The Alyce Salesforce Application Includes 5 custom objects and 4 custom settings
Component Name Type Description/Usage
Alyce Campaign Custom Object Not User Facing, Connects Alyce Specific Campaigns with Salesforce User Groups
Alyce Feature Switch Custom Object Used to enable activation and deactivation of certain Alyce App functionality
Alyce Team Custom Object Not User Facing, Controls Alyce Team Information
Alyce User Activity Custom Object Not User Facing, Used for Error Logging
Alyce Gift Invitation Custom Object Main Object For All Gifting Activity
Alyce Batch Job Schedule Custom Setting Handles Timing of Alyce Object Updates
Alyce Endpoints Custom Setting Web Addresses for Alyce Application
Alyce User Information Custom Setting Not User Facing, Alyce Specific User Related Data
Required Fields Mapping Custom Object Maps fields from core Alyce Gift Invitation Object to fields within standard Salesforce objects for reporting and sharing with other integrations
Campaign Member Status Map Custom Setting Used to Map Alyce Campaign to Salesforce Campaign Statuses

Permission Sets

The Alyce application has the following permission sets that control access for Salesforce users
Component Name Description/Usage
Alyce Permission Set Manages access to Alyce application for Salesforce users
Alyce Integration User Permission Set
(For Alyce for Salesforce 2.0)

Administers Salesforce API access for Alyce application

Remote Sites

There are 3 sites preconfigured with the Alyce application to enable Salesforce to connect to Alyce servers
Component Name Description/Usage
Alyce Site for main Alyce application
Alycedev Site for Alyce QA/sandbox application
RollbarAPI Site for Alyce log reporting


The Alyce application has 1 template report and report folder
Component Name Type Description/Usage
Alyce - Gift Selection Ready Template Report Template for sales/BDRs to be able to know exactly which gifts have completed research and are ready for gifting
Alyce Gift Invite Delivered, Not Viewed Report Template for sales/BDRs to review gifts that have been delivered and need follow-up to encourage recipients to review
Alyce Gift Invitations Sent - Template Report Template for sales/marketing managers to see overall Alyce gift invitations sent along with most productive team members
Alyce Template Reports Report Folder Folder for Alyce template reports


The Alyce application has 3 total rules, 2 focus on ensuring no duplicate gifts are created in Salesforce and 1 ensures gifts match Alyce expectations with validation
Component Name Type Description/Usage
Prevent_gifts_with_Duplicate_Alyce_Ids Duplicate Prevents duplicate gifts from being created
Prevent gifts with Duplicate Alyce Ids matching rule Matching Prevents duplicate gifts from being created
Gift_Id_Not_To_Be_Change Validation Ensures all Salesforce gifts match required expectations from Alyce

Other Key Components

The following are other important components that may be valuable for a Salesforce administrator should they need to do any debugging or wish to learn more about the Alyce Salesforce application.
Component Name Type Description/Usage
MetadataDeployer Apex Class Used to automatically add Alyce Visualforce page and button to standard contact, lead, campaign, account, and opportunity page layouts
SendAlyceGiftButton Aura Component Bundle Lightning button to send gifts through leads and contacts