Salesforce Synchronize All Gifts and Customization

Why Synchronize?

Over time you may run in to issues with your Salesforce instance that cause gifts to fall out of sync with Alyce. Within packages 1.85+ you can synchronize an individual gift from the gift details page but if you need to synchronize more gifts, you may wish to perform a larger sync. This can be done within the Alyce Administration page. 

Alyce for Salesforce 2.0

To initiate a Sync All gifts you can head to the Alyce Administration page in Salesforce 

From this page click Modify in Step 3

This will reveal the "Synchronize All Gifts" button across the bottom. Clicking that button will allow you to initiate a full synchronization.

If you would like to sync all gifts sent since a specific date, use the date picker to choose the date from when you would like to start synchronizing gifts.