How to send an Alyce gift from Salesloft

The primary use case for the Salesloft + Alyce integration is to enable a Salesloft user to send a gift via Alyce from directly within the Salesloft platform. To accomplish this, we have integrated the Alyce gifting flow within the People page in Salesloft. Specifically, this gifting flow will be available in the panel on the right-hand side of the People page.

Step 1: Ensure that you have an active Alyce Campaign that meets the following criteria:

  • The invitation type link is enabled
  • Research is not required
  • At least 1 invite is available for your sender

Step 2: Navigate to the People page in Salesloft for the person you want to send the gift to.

Step 3: If the contact does not already exist in Alyce, create a new Alyce profile by entering their First Name, Last Name, Work Email, Company, and Country.

Step 4: Initiate the gifting flow by clicking “Send a gift”.

Step 5: Select the Alyce campaign that you would like to send the Alyce gift from and click “Continue”. 

Note that for the campaign to appear, it must meet the criteria specified in Step 1 above.

Step 6: Choose one of the top 3 recommended gifts OR click “Choose your own gift” to browse the Alyce marketplace. When you’ve chosen your gift, click “Continue”

Step 7: Customize the gift landing page that your gift recipient will see when they click on your gift link. 

On this step, you can specify the Send As person and the message template that you would like to use for the Alyce landing page. When you’ve entered your message, click “Continue”

Note: For a refresher on configuring the message templates available for your campaign, visit this page.

Step 8: Specify the required actions and whether you want the recipient to be able to Accept, Exchange, or Donate the value of their gift. When you’re all set, click “Continue”.

Note: You will only be able to change the required actions on this step if the setting is enabled within the Required Actions setting of the corresponding Alyce campaign.

Step 9: Check the box indicating that you have checked your personalized note and then click “Confirm and Send”. 

Step 10: Click “Copy” to copy your gift link and paste it into your Salesloft email to your recipient. 

Congratulations! You have just sent an Alyce gift via Salesloft.