Alyce Gifting Insights Reports

The gifting insights reports available from the Alyce Dashboard allow you to easily track the overall usage and performance of Alyce across your teams and organization. As an Alyce team admin, you can choose from three reports in the Alyce dashboard. Reports can be emailed to yourself on-demand or scheduled to be sent at any time interval.

  • The Performance Summary report contains an overview of overall gifting funnel activity to easily track send and claim rates across your org/teams. In addition, the report highlights top-performing campaigns and teams
  • The Team Usage report gives you the ability to drill down to a specific team to identify your top performers and provides a clear view into how your team is using Alyce gifting campaigns. As a sales manager, you can easily monitor your individual team members' gift send and claim rates as well as meetings booked over any time period specified. Identify your top gifters and learn from their success.
  • The Gifting Trends report highlights the most popular gifts sent as well as which gifts have the highest claim rates and what the most exchanged gifts are. This report helps you to make data-driven decisions about what campaigns to run based on past performance. 

How to Access the Gift Insights Reports

The “Reports” page is available from the drop-down carrot next to your profile picture in the main navigation of the Alyce dashboard.

Note: Only Team and Org Admins will be able to access the Reports page. Team admins will be able to select from the teams that they are an admin on to pull data for each of the three reports.

Performance Summary: 

Start Date/ End Date - This is the date range you are viewing data for in the report

Note: The End Date may not match your requested date range. It will display the last date for which we have gifting data.

Teams - This is how many teams you are viewing data for in the report

Note: if you select a team that has had no usage of Alyce in the time period specified they will be excluded from the report

Active Campaigns - This is how many campaigns had any gift sends, views, or claims in the time period specified

Active Senders - This is how many team members sent gifts in the time period specified

Campaign Types - This will show you how many types of campaigns (ex. personal, 1:many, gift redemption card) were active in the time period specified

Weekly Gifting Activity - This graph shows week over week gift send/view/claim data. The date on the x-axis corresponds to the first Monday of the week and the data for each week will show the total # of gifts sent, gifts viewed, and gifts claimed for the team(s) specified in the report filters

Gifting Funnel - The gifting funnel will show you the total # of gifts sent, viewed, and claimed for the team(s) and timeframe specified, as well as the overall view and claim rates. 

Meetings Booked - This shows how many meetings were booked by the team members on the team(s) specified in the report filtering 

Gift Sends by Campaign Type - Shows the breakdown of sends for each type of campaign

Team Performance - Summary view of all the teams selected for the report in the timeframe specified. The table includes # gifts sent/viewed/claimed and view/claim rates for each team overall. 

Campaign Performance - Summary view of all the active campaigns in the timeframe specified. The table includes # gifts sent/viewed/claimed and view/claim rates for each campaign overall. 

Team Usage: 

Note: This report only covers 1:1 personal campaign sends and is best utilized by selecting only one team. 

Start Date/ End Date - This is the date range you are viewing data for in the report.

Note: The End Date may not match your requested date range. It will display the last date for which we have gifting data.

Active Senders - This is how many team members sent gifts in the time period specified

Meetings Booked - This shows how many meetings were booked by the team members on the team(s) specified in the report filtering 

Gifting Activity - Shows the total # of gifts sent, viewed, and claimed for the team(s) and timeframe specified, as well as the overall view and claim rates for the team(s)

% of Total Team Members with Meetings Booked - This graph will display the % of team members with meetings booked and % of team members with no meetings booked. This is calculated based on the total number of team members on the team(s) specified for the report

Top 10 Senders on your team - Of the active senders on your team for the time period specified, which team members sent the most

Top 10 Converters on your team (by claimed gifts) - Of the active senders on your team for the time period specified, which team members had the most gifts claimed

Bottom 10 Senders on your team - Of the active senders on your team for the time period specified, which team members sent the fewest # of gifts

Bottom 10 Converters on your team (by claimed gifts) - Of the active senders on your team for the time period specified, which team members had the fewest gifts claimed

Team members with 0 gifts sent - All team members who sent 0 gifts in the time period specified

Team members with zero claimed gifts - All team members who had 0 gifts claimed in the time period specified

Individual team member performance - Track all of your team members' usage of Alyce in this table

Gifting Trends: 

Start Date/ End Date - This is the date range you are viewing data for in the report

Note: The End Date may not match your requested date range. It will display the last date for which we have gifting data.

Total Gifts Sent - Total # of gifts sent for the team(s) and date range specified

Total Gifts Claimed - Total # of gifts claimed for the team(s) and date range specified

Unique Products Sent - How many unique products were sent out of all the gifts sent in the time period specified

Unique Products Claimed -  How many unique products were claimed out of all the gifts claimed by recipients in the time period specified

Unique Products Exchanged -  How many unique products were exchanged out of all the gifts exchanged by recipients in the time period specified

Top Sent Products - What products were sent the most in the time period specified

Top Claimed Products - What products were claimed the most in the time period specified

Sent Products That are Exchanged the Most - What products were exchanged the most in the time period specified

What % of Gifts are Exchanged - Of all the gifts claimed in the time period specified how many (5) were exchanged for something else

Sent Products with 0 Claims - Of all the unique products sent in the time period specified, which ones had no claims


Q: When I select a date range for the reports, what are the dates referring to? 

A: Unlike the Alyce dashboard, these are universal dates that you are selecting. What that means is if you select Jan 1, 2023-January 31, 2023, you will see the actual number of gifts sent in that time period, the total number of gifts viewed in that time period, and the total number of gifts claimed in the time period specified. The dates you selected may not match exactly with the report's start and end dates. This is because we display only the dates with gifting data.

Q: What happens to the individual team member data on the Team Usage report when a team member is removed from a team in Alyce? 

A:  For the Team Usage report, when a team member is removed from a team, we will not be able to show their gifts data in the aggregated team data under Gifting Activity or in the individual team member performance data tables. 

 Q: Do all the reports include 1:1 and 1:many campaign data? 

A: The performance summary and the Gifting Trends reports include 1:many campaign data as well as 1:1. The team usage report only contains 1:1 campaign data. 

Q: Who can access the Gifting Insights Reports? 

A: Only Team and Org Admins will be able to access the Reports page. Team admins will be able to select from the teams that they are an admin on to pull data in each of the three reports

Q: Can I see what the reports look like:

A: A sample graphic of all three reports can be downloaded here