How to Configure Alyce for Slack Recipes

Two recipes are included as part of the Alyce for Slack integration, which allow you and your team to optimize your follow-ups when recipients engage with their gifts. 

One recipe allows you to trigger gift notifications as a direct message to the gift sender when gifts have been viewed but not yet accepted within 30 minutes of being viewed. The other recipe allows you to trigger gift notifications in a Slack channel of your choosing when a gift moves into a gift status of your choosing. 

These recipes are independent of one another and can be used separately or simultaneously. Please see below for how to configure each of these respective recipes.

Send a Slack direct message when a gift has been viewed but not accepted

This recipe will trigger a gifting notification in Slack as a direct message to the person that the Alyce gift was Sent As if a gift has not been accepted within 30 minutes of the gift being viewed.

Step 1: To start this recipe, ensure that you have successfully connected the Alyce for Slack integration per this document.

Step 2: Within the recipe, click “Start”.

Step 3: Direct messages will be sent to the “Sent As” person in the following format:

“Hey [Sent As Person], an Alyce gift ([Product Name]) for [Recipient Name] that was Sent As you was viewed but not yet claimed. You should follow up with [Recipient Name] from [Recipient Company Name].

Here’s the link to your Alyce gift for [Recipient Name]”

Post a message to a Slack channel when an Alyce gift status changes

This recipe will trigger a gifting notification in Slack within the specified Slack channel when a corresponding Alyce gift has moved into the specified gift status. The Sent As person will be tagged in the message so they can be notified.

Step 1: To start this recipe, ensure that you have successfully connected the Alyce for Slack integration per this document.

Step 2: Specify the Alyce gift status for which you would like to trigger the notifications. The notifications will be sent as soon as the corresponding gift moves into that status.

Step 3: Specify the Slack channel where you would like to post the gift notifications. The Sent As person will be tagged in each message so they can be notified.

Step 4: Within the recipe, click “Start”.

Step 5: Messages will be sent in the selected channel in the following format:

“Awesome job [Send As Person]. An Alyce gift for [Recipient Name] that was Sent As you was just [Alyce Gift Status]. Way to go [Send As Person]!”