Emails and Deliverability

What tool does Alyce use for sending emails?


If I have integrated my Outlook / Gmail with Alyce, can I see information about delivered, bounced, etc?

If you have integrated with your own mail client, this information should be provided by your IT team (or whomever manages this kind of information internally). This is not information Alyce would have access to, as we do not control your internal instance of Outlook/Gmail.

Can Alyce tell me what emails / invites have gone to SPAM?

We are not able to tell our customers which emails have gone into SPAM. Once an email is sent, it’s up to the contact’s email service provider to sort the email accordingly.

How can I see what Alyce notification emails have bounced? Can you tell me what were hard bounces vs soft bounces?

If you are leveraging Alyce automated follow up notifications and not sending through your own company email, your CSM can reach out to our Product team if you need this information. We cannot differentiate between hard vs soft bounces.

How can I see Alyce notification emails that were not able to be delivered?

If you are leveraging Alyce automated follow up notifications and not sending through your own company email, your CSM can reach out to our Product team if you need this information.