Getting Started with Donation Gifting

At Alyce, we believe that authentic interactions deliver value and create genuine relationships. As you learn more about your giftee's interests and passions, a physical gift could provide a better personal experience than you'd like to create.

From our Donation Gifting feature, you can quickly and easily send a gift in the form of a donation to a charity or organization of your choice. With over 350+ charities featured in our Donation Marketplace, you can find and select a cause that matters to the person with whom you want to build a relationship.

Getting Started

Manage your account settings to enable Donation Gifting:

Activating your account settings is important before you send your first Donation Gift.

In addition to this important Donation gift, you can use the instructions below to activate other Gift Types.

  • In your Alyce instance, navigate to Campaigns Settings by clicking "Campaigns" in the top menu of your Alyce Dashboard.
  • If you already have a campaign to which you'd like to add the Donation Gifting gift type, select that campaign. If you're creating your first campaign, please follow these instructions for Getting Started with your First Campaign, then go ahead and proceed to the next step in these instructions.
  • From the Campaign Setting Menu, click Gift Invites. 
  • Once in Gift Invites, locate Gift Type and click the "Change" button. 
  • Suppose your campaign is set to "Allow all gift types," congratulations! Your campaign already has Donation Gifting available, and your team can begin gifting from the Donations Marketplace.
  •  If your campaign is set to "Allow specific Gift Types," you'll need to select "Donation" and then click "Save."

Manage your campaign settings to set the allowable value of your Donation Gifting:

After you've enabled the ability to send Donation Gifts, you'll need to set the Budget for the donation you and your team will be sending your giftee. 

Please note: the Donation Gift type does not require a minimum or maximum budget. The budget you set is the donation amount that will be gifted to the charity or organization you select. 

  • If you're creating your first campaign, please follow the instructions for Getting Started with your First Campaign, then proceed to the next step in these instructions.
  • You can go to the Campaigns window located at the top.
  • From this menu, select Campaigns Settings.
  • And then, select the Edit Settings of the dropdown menu Actions button next to the campaign to work with.
  • Once in Gift Invites, locate Gift Budget and click the "Change" button. 

Since you've already activated the Donation Gift Type, you'll notice a new Budget Option specifically for Gift Donation Amount. Enter your desired donation budget in the box provided and click "Save."


Can I write off my accepted donations?

Donation Gifting through Alyce is not eligible for tax write-offs. 

Why can't I see Donation Gifting as a gift option?:

There are usually one of two reasons why you can't see the Donation Gift Type:

Either Donation Gifting has yet to be enabled as a Gift Type by your Alyce Admin, or Donation Gifting hasn't been enabled for the campaign you're using to send a gift. Please get in touch with your Alyce Admin to verify that Donation Gifting has been activated as a Gift Type or in the campaign you'd like to use. 

What Charities are available?

There are over 350 charities available to choose from, and we understand there might be a local charity near and dear to your recipient's heart. That is why we have an option to "Charity of your Choice" in the Marketplace.

Select this option, and enter any registered charity. At the end of the quarter, we batch up all the individual donations and forward them to the selected charities. This option is available to recipients in all countries where Alyce can send a gift.

If someone inputs a charity that is not a registered 501(c)3, we do our best to find something similar. Currently, we have about 1.7 million nonprofits eligible.