Setting Up Your Alyce Profile

Welcome to Alyce! This guide will walk you through setting up your profile in Alyce. 

  • Customize the Gift Experience - Recipients will know at a glance who a gift is from.
  • Be Yourself - Add a fun fact to your profile to break the ice. Share your love of mountain climbing, cooking, painting, music, and more.
  • Integrate Your Email - Increase delivery and open rates by sending from your work email instead of the Alyce default gift address.
  • Integrate your Calendar - Simplify scheduling meetings.

Setting up Your User Profile 

Click on "Your Preferences" 

On this page, add your Profile Photo, Display Name, Your Role, Phone Number, and a Fun Fact.

Note: People love to see who is sending them a gift! Adding your photo will increase your gift acceptance rate. Grabbing a snapshot that includes something from your #5-9 is a fun way to connect to your recipient.

For best results, use a photo that is clear and focused on your face. Images should be no greater than 150 pixels to avoid display issues with Outlook inboxes.

Add a Fun Fact about Yourself

  • Scroll to the bottom of the "Profile & Settings" page and expand "Your fun fact(s)" by clicking "change" on the right-hand side.
  • Write a line about your personal interests.
  • Check the box "Display in gift experience landing pages" so that it shows up in the gift experience. 
  • Click "Save" 

Connect Your Email and Calendar

Alyce recommends connecting your email and calendar where possible to make scheduling easy and improve email deliverability. Please follow our guide to Connect your Email and Calendar.

Can't connect to GSuite or Outlook? You can still set the best times for your recipients to book a time to meet.

Set Your Usual Working Hours 

Calendar Preferences:

  • Your Timezone
  • Respect Free/Busy Time on Your Calendar 
  • Default Meeting Length Meeting Availability Window (This lets you define how long your meetings with the recipient will be) 
  • Meeting Start Time Intervals (This lets you define how precise your meeting start time can be set. For example, if you set this to be 15 minutes with a 30-minute meeting length, your time slots will be 9:00 - 9:30, 9:15 - 9:45, etc.)
  • Minimum Notice Time (This is the minimum amount of time it needs to be from now (the moment somebody is trying to book you) before somebody can book the next meeting with you.)
  • Meeting Availability Window (This lets you define how far out you’ll allow a recipient to schedule a meeting.)
  • Default Meeting Place (Phone Call, Zoom Link, etc.)  Adding a video conference link will automatically add the meeting room link to every meeting. This lets you define how you’d like to speak with the recipient. You can choose either phone call, video call, or in person meetings. You can modify this on a per gift basis if the campaign or team allows.

Note: If you need to block out a full day, for example, a vacation or reserving a day of the week for no meetings, you'll need to set a regular block on your Calendar. Simply adding a full-day event will not be recognized by Alyce. Availability must be set to "Busy" to block meetings