Invitation Message Examples

We are pleased to share some effective messaging samples. Feel free to use them!

Please note that you will need to replace the items in parenthesis, but NOT the ones in brackets (they will automatically be replaced with the specific information); for more details, please visit How to Use Placeholder Text in Invitation Message Templates

Personalized Gifts

Resonating Gift

Hi [first-name], 

Saw that you are a (RESEARCH VALUE NOTE - ex: “dog dad”, “fishing enthusiast”, “golfer”, etc.), so I wanted to send a [gl] that would resonate with you!

It would be great to learn more about your work at [recipient-company].



Feedback Request

Hi [first-name],

Thought this [product-name] be something you’d enjoy. 

Given your experience with (SECTOR / DEPARTMENT - ex: network security), I'd love to get your feedback on our approach to (MY COMPANY PRODUCT / SERVICE X - ex: ABM strategy).

Thanks so much!


Want to Learn More About You 

Hi [first-name],

Saw that (INSERT RESEARCH VALUE NOTE - ex: “you enjoy going to the beach”), so I wanted to send a gift that would resonate with you!

It would be great to learn more about your (INSERT PRODUCT RELATED FUNCTION - ex: “your ABM, your network security”) strategy.



Found on LinkedIn

Hi [first-name],

I found you on LinkedIn, and think you would be a great person to answer questions on the (PRODUCT / SERVICE X AREA OF EXPERTISE - ex: sales strategy, demand generation, etc.) programs you are running at [recipient-company].

Do you have a few minutes to talk?  In exchange, I’d like to send you this [product-name] to (VALUE / WHY THIS GIFT - ex:  “celebrate the Patriot’s Super Bowl win”!)

Appreciate your insight in advance!


LinkedIn Award Recognition 

Hi [first-name],

I noticed on LinkedIn that you were recently recognized by (COMPANY / ORGANIZATION / MEDIA OUTLET) for being a (PROSPECT’S MILESTONE / RECOGNITION - ex: “top 10 marketer”). I wanted to send you a gift to say congratulations.

Would love to connect on a call to see how [company] can help [recipient-company].



LinkedIn Milestone

Hi [first-name],

I noticed on LinkedIn that you were celebrating your (NUMBER OF YEARS / MILESTONE) year anniversary at [recipient-company]. I wanted to send you a gift to say congratulations.

Would love to connect on a call to see how [company] can help [recipient-company].



Detailed Intro

Hi [first-name],

I wanted to send you this [product-name] to hopefully grab your attention. I’d love to get 30 minutes on your schedule to introduce myself and see how [company] can help your efforts at [recipient-company].”

I wanted to send you this [product-name] because I noticed you enjoy (HOBBY / TEAM / ETC.).


Generic Gifts

Simple Intro

Hi [first-name],

I wanted to send you a little gift to hopefully grab your attention. I’d love to get 30 minutes on your schedule to introduce myself and see how [company] can help your efforts at [recipient-company].


Conference Follow-Up

Hi [first-name],

Thank you for stopping by the [company] (BOOTH / TABLE / RECEPTION / DEPARTMENT, ETC.) at (CONFERENCE NAME / OFFICE LOCATION). My team wanted to send you something we thought you might enjoy.

