What Alyce Information is Available on Accounts, Contacts, and Leads?

As part of the configuration of the Alyce package, Alyce can add the following fields to Account, Contact and Lead objects upon install, shown here within the Alyce Administration Page.

Account (Field Count 5):

Initial Gift Invitation Create Date - The date of the first created gift invitation for the account

Initial Gift Invitation Sent Date - The date of the first sent gift invitation for the account

Most Recent Gift Invitation Create Date - The creation date of the most recently created gift in the invitation for the account

Most Recent Gift Invitation Sent Date - The sent date of the most recently sent gift invitation for the account

Total Gifts Invitations Sent to Account - The total number of gift invitations sent to an account

Contact and Leads (Field Count 5): 

Most Recent Gift Invitation Create DateThe date of the most recently created gift invitation for the contact/lead

Most Recent Gift Invitation Sent Date - The date of the most recently sent gift invitation for the contact/lead

Most Recent Gift Invitation Gift Name - The name of the most recently sent gift in the invitation for the contact/lead

Most Recent Gift Invitation Status - The status of the most recently created gift invitation for the contact/lead

Most Recent Gift Invitation Landing Page - The landing page of the most recently created gift invitation for the contact/lead

Adding Fields to Page Layouts

Now that the fields are activated, you will need to physically add them into a section on the individual layouts.

NOTE: These fields can be set to Read Only without issue, to avoid accidental updates to data.  Reminder: The Alyce for Salesforce integration is one directional, syncing data from Alyce to Salesforce only.

Here is an example of what it will look like on the record once complete.


Contact & Lead