Understanding Teams and Campaigns

The goal of this guide is to explain how teams and campaigns work in Alyce. For campaign settings best practices, visit the Campaign Management topic. For team settings best practices, please visit the Team Management topic.

About Teams:

Teams are the way for you to organize your company’s members who will be using Alyce.

Most often, teams are used as a way to control different settings for different groups of people. For example, if you want three different groups of sales representatives to have different budgets for sending gifts, you would want to create three different teams so that you can control the budget of each team.

Examples of how teams are used:

A company might divide its sales force into teams by region, such as a Southeast Team, Northeast Team, Western Team, etc.

About Campaigns:

Campaigns help you to organize your team’s efforts, and ensure accurate tracking of how your team is using Alyce.

Important note: campaigns can allow people to send a gift on someone’s behalf. Note that a gift invitation can only be sent on behalf of the actual person who sent it, or the campaign owner. If you have people who will be sending gift invitations on your behalf, make sure that you have set up an Alyce profile.

Examples of how campaigns are used:

  • For each sales rep, example: “Josh Q1 2019 Prospecting”
  • For follow-up after a certain conference, example: “SiriusDecisions 2019 follow up”
  • Thanking customers for leaving a testimonial, example: “Testimonial Thank You”
  • Mid-cycle sales accelerators
  • For timing-focused gifting occasions, example: “Holiday Gifts for Top Customers”
  • By type of relationship, examples: “warm leads”, “cool”, etc.