How to create a multi-country 1:Many Campaign

Alyce makes it easy to create moments-focused campaigns that include your prospects and customers around the globe. You can now send a gift to multiple countries from a single 1:many Campaign.

Create a new campaign.

Step 1: Select Campaigns on the top of your dashboard. Click on the "Create new campaign" button.

Step 2: Select 1:many

Step 3: Name your campaign, assign it to a team, and choose the gift recipient countries:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Select the countries to which you will be sending gifts. Consider the territories your team covers and where your customers and prospects are currently located.

Please note: Going past this point, the Country and Team will be locked in place and cannot be edited - double check your chosen countries before continuing! This setting cannot be edited later.

Now that your Campaign framework is set up. Let's choose a leading gift.

Step 4: Set the expiration date of your campaign, which is an optional step. By default, the campaign is set never to expire.

Campaigns with no expiry will allow gift redemption indefinitely until a campaign is deactivated.

You can also select a specific date to expire the campaign by choosing the custom date option.

Step 5: Here, you will have the option to manage the recipients for your campaign. As well as choosing to send gifts on behalf of a single person or send them on behalf of specific team members.

You can also set the notifications that you wish to receive:

Marketplace Select leading gifts.

  1. Apply filters to the Marketplace and help select a gift.
  2. Filter the Marketplace by budget.
  3. Choose a leading gift for each country.
  4. Click the Select Gifts button at the bottom to confirm the selection and close the sidebar.

Marketplace Best Practices - quickly choosing gifts per country

  1. Choose all the countries in your campaign in the filter options
  2. As you choose gift options for each country, click the 'x' next to that country's name in your filter list to filter out products for the country where you already have a selected gift
  3. Click on the Select Gifts button at the bottom to confirm your selection and close the sidebar

Alyce automatically detects the recipient's location and shows the recipient's relevant Leading Gift.

Once you've chosen the perfect initial gift, you can customize how your recipients can accept it. Read more about Gift Exchange Options here.

Exchange marketplace for 1:many multi-country

  1. Click on the green button Edit to open the editor sidebar.
  2. Define what gift types are available for recipients.
  3. Define the desired budget in USD and see what gift card amounts recipients can choose in their local currency.
Protip: The country column indicates in what countries a gift type is available

The exchange rate reflected in Campaign Settings is adjusted at 30-minute intervals. The amount charged to your Alyce account is based on the actual time of purchase.

In some cases, gift card amounts might not be available at the selected gift card price. In this case, recipients are shown the gift card amount closest to the gift card price without going over the budget.


Do I need to know the country my recipient lives in?

No. When you select countries, consider the territories your team covers and where your customers and prospects are currently located. Alyce will detect the recipient country and offer a relevant gift.

What if no leading gift is available for the recipient?

The recipient will see an email from the gifter associated with the gift link and a message suggesting to connect with a gifter. So the gifter could send another gift available at the recipient's location. 

Do I need to create a Marketo link for each country?

No. Alyce: 1:many campaigns connected to a single Marketo campaign.