Creating a Personal Invitation Template

Reps can create their own personal templates so they have quick access to their own invitation copy in the gift flow.

If a rep adds a personal template, it will only be available to that rep.

  1. To get started, log into your Alyce Dashboard
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top menu bar, then select "Your Preferences" from the dropdown menu
  3. In the left hand margin, click "Templates"
  4. To the right of the search bar, click "+ "Create new template" 

5. You will be prompted to fill in a template name, message subject, and your message.

  • Your template name is only visible to you, but the message subject and message will be your email's subject line (if sending digitally) and message body, respectively.  

6. Once you've inputted all the fields, click "save"

Your Personal Template can be used for any gift invitation message, and accessed in the gift flow

Notable Feature: Remember that as campaign admin, you can lock a message template. Please note that this feature is only available for Personal Gifting and Prospecting Campaigns. Here's how to do it:

Go to the campaign button at the top of your dashboard, then go to the campaign you want to work with and select Edit Settings from the Actions dropdown button.

Then go to the Default Message button and select the template you want to work on:

Finally, uncheck the box and press the green button Apply message template.

That way, once it is created, it will not be possible to change the message, and that's it!