Alyce for Salesforce FAQs

I am getting an error when I try to send an Alyce gift from Salesforce that looks like this - what is causing this?

The email address they are using to log into Salesforce is not the same as the email address they use to log into Alyce. The two must match, with the email address from Salesforce taking priority. You’ll need to confirm this and adjust the email address in Alyce to match.

  1. How can I have an invitation accepted and not have invitation delivered data in Salesforce? Why are my number of gifts in Salesforce lower than what is reported in the Alyce Dashboard?

The likely cause of this is gifts not being associated with contacts. This happens when there are duplicate contact records in Salesforce and the Alyce system doesn’t know how to associate. Use the Alyce Isolated Gifts report to see who these people are and manually attach them to a contact/lead. 

The gift is associated with the right contact or lead, but for some reason the campaign was not automatically associated.

You’ll need to manually associate the campaign to that gift and contact/lead. If you are using versions 1.89 or lower, this could occasionally happen if the scheduled jobs aren’t able to run on schedule. data can get dropped off, especially if you have more than 100 jobs running in a given period.

Why are the statuses/data in Alyce different than what I see in Salesforce?

If you are using versions 1.89 or lower, there can be a delay caused by the fullness of your company’s APEX job queue. The Alyce for Salesforce integration synchronizes data from Alyce to Salesforce using jobs that run at a minimum 1 time per hour. If the queue is full, the job for updating information will get moved to the next available slot. In some cases, this could be a few days. Additionally, there is a 100 gifts limit per job run.  Chat with your Salesforce Admin to see if this could be an issue.

With versions 1.85 or later of the package, a "Refresh Gift Details" button is available on the Gift Object which allows a user to update the single gift in real time. This is available by default with new installations.  Please contact [email protected] if you require assistance adding this custom button to the layout when upgrading from an earlier package version.

Discrepancies can also be caused by issues with your Integration User. Please refer to that section below for more details

My gifts are being assigned to the Integration user (Salesforce Admin) and not the sender in Alyce. What should I do?

Alyce looks at the sender's email in Alyce and matches that with the user in Salesforce to assign the gift owner. If there is no user in Salesforce with the same email address as what we have in Alyce, we automatically assign it to the Integration user. If you are experiencing this problem, it is likely that the email address we have for the Alyce user is not the same as the email address they use for Salesforce. You’ll need to update the email address in Alyce to match the one used in Salesforce.

What happens if I merge two records that have Alyce gift data?

If you merge two or more records together, the information will update on the contact record to reflect the most recent gift information based on what was merged for that record. For example, if you sent a gift to a lead in March and then to that person’s contact record in April, the April gift would show up in the “most recent” fields on the Salesforce record.

What happens if I merge two records and only one has Alyce gift data?

With most tools for merging there is an option to migrate child records to the merged record.  Alyce Gifts is a child record and can be merged as such. 

If we test in Sandbox, can we then just push directly into production?

You cannot. You will need to reinstall the package into your live instance of Salesforce and configure it completely there.

Does the package update automatically when you release a new version?

It does not. Our team will alert your team when a new package is available for you to upgrade to.

How often do scheduled jobs run in Salesforce?

In the Alyce for Salesforce package 2.0 and newer, gift data is updated in real time.

In version 1.89 and earlier, batch jobs for gifts run every 5 minutes, batch jobs for updating campaigns run every 10 minutes by default. However, as part of the package installation, we assess your job queue and if there is not availability to run this schedule we move to running both batch jobs each hour. If the queue is completely full, we push our jobs to the next 24 hour period and automatically assess. This helps avoid overloading the job queue in systems that are very full or busy.

To change the frequency, go to Setup-> Jobs -> Scheduled Jobs and adjust the scheduled jobs in the list by removing some Alyce jobs (not all!). For example, you might want to remove odd or even number jobs, or set it up so jobs only run one of each type per hour. You can do this after the package has been installed and the first sync has run by clicking "synchronize all gifts." This is true for all packages.

NOTE: There is a 100 gifts limit per apex batch job run, so be sure that your job schedule can accommodate the expected volume of gift activity.

What do the scheduled jobs do (versions 1.89 and below)?

AlyceBulkGiftDataCheck - Gift synchronization from Alyce to Salesforce

AlyceBulkRetrieveCampaigns - Campaign synchronization from Alyce to Salesforce

AlyceBulkUpdateAlyceCampaigns - Campaign synchronization from Salesforce to Alyce.  Currently, this is only used to pass Salesforce Campaign ID.

NOTE: Both campaign jobs are leveraged only in conjunction with the Automated Campaign Creation feature ( Step 7 of the Alyce Administration Page).  If this feature is not enabled, these jobs will appropriately appear as "Stopped".

If I am sending a gift from Salesforce, do I have to wait for the scheduled jobs to run before I will see data?

If you are running version 2.0 or above, there is no delay. If you are running versions 1.89 or lower, gifts will appear immediately, but gift status will not be updated until the next sync.

Can I update gift data in real-time without waiting for a scheduled job?

Yes. With versions 1.85 or later of the package, a "Refresh Gift Details" button is available on the Gift Object which allows a user to update the single gift in real time. This is available by default with new installations.  Please contact [email protected] if you require assistance adding this custom button to the layout when upgrading from an earlier package version.

If I am connecting a campaign manually from Salesforce to Alyce, do I have to wait for the scheduled jobs to run before the campaign connects?

No, the campaign will appear immediately in Alyce after the connection is made.

Can I change the name of the campaign in Salesforce or Alyce once the campaigns have been synchronized?

Yes.  Changing the campaign name, in either or both locations, will have no impact on the sync.  The campaigns will remain connected.

Alyce allows for campaign names to be different in Alyce and in Salesforce. Campaign name changes in one system will not reflect in the other. If you would like the campaign names to match, you must edit in both systems.

If I move a gift between Alyce campaigns, does it change the associated campaign in Salesforce?

Yes.  Moving the gift between campaigns in Alyce will cause the gift to be associated with the correct synchronized campaign in Salesforce.

Does the integration use API calls or Apex Scheduled jobs?

Alyce for Salesforce package 2.0 and newer uses API calls. Usage is 1 API call per action. Typically, we see 500 - 1,000 calls per 24 hour period.

Package 1.89 and earlier utilizes Apex Scheduled Jobs.

Can we set up a custom user to configure the Alyce integration? 

Yes, you can set up a custom integration user if you choose for Alyce but this is not recommended as it could disrupt the functionality of the integration.

What permissions does an Integration User need to manage the Alyce Administration Page?

NOTE: User must have an account with the same email address as their Salesforce email.

  1. Assign " Alyce Integration User Permission Set" for the integration user to provide access for all package objects. 
  2. Setup user profile (or create one more permission set) to ensure that one has the ability to create/modify campaigns, modify contacts, leads, accounts, and opportunities (see detailed system permissions below). NOTE: Granting permissions to create campaigns includes making sure the Marketing User box is checked on the integration user's User Details page in Salesforce.
  3. Check sharing rules for the integration user to ensure that campaigns created by this user are available for other users.
  4. Grant "Modify all Data" permission to the Integration Owner

System Permissions:

Modify All Data - Integration User

Alyce Permission Set - All other Users

Do your API connections utilize the Oauth 2.0 Web Server Flow?

We currently do not use the SF Oauth API. Our authentication leverages Oauth 2.0 flow; we use Auth0 as identity provider.

Can you confirm that no usernames and passwords will be stored in your system?

Yes, our Engineering team has confirmed our authentication is password-less.

Are the access token and refresh token stored securely in your system?

Yes, they are stored in our system securely. Storage is provided by GoogleCloud SQL.

Why are my gift statuses not updating?

If the Integration User is changed in Salesforce, you will still be able to create gifts in the Alyce Salesforce Integration. If you are running version 1.89 or lower, scheduled jobs will not run as expected, so the gift status cannot be updated. Please verify the user details are correct and reconnect Alyce and Salesforce. Reach out to our Integrations Team for assistance if you have questions.

What happens if the Integration User has their account removed from Salesforce or Alyce?

In both cases, the integration will be stopped. Gifts may still be created, but their status will not be updated in Salesforce

What is the "Alyce Permission Set" that is assigned during installation?

The Alyce Permission Set is necessary for all users that will use the Alyce package. This permission set provides read/write access to all fields managed by the Alyce package, including Alyce fields on the Account, Contact, and Lead objects. NOTE: Fields can be made read-only (recommended) when configuring page layouts in Classic and/or Lightning. No additional action should be taken to set field level security and nothing should be set at the profile level.  

What happens if I send a gift to a Contact who is associated with more than one Opportunity?

A gift can only be associated with one Opportunity.  In this case, the gift will not attach to any Opportunity.  The correct Opportunity can be manually attached to the gift on the Gift object.

What happens if I send gifts to Contacts on the same Account, where the Account has multiple Opportunities, but each Contact is only associated with one Opportunity?

The gifts will automatically correctly associate to the Contact's Opportunity.

What happens if I send gifts to multiple Contacts on the same Opportunity?

All gifts sent to those Contacts will associate to the single Opportunity.

Can I send custom field data from Alyce to Salesforce?

It is not currently possible to send custom field data from Alyce to Salesforce.