Installing the Alyce for Salesforce Automation

Note: To install the Alyce for Salesforce Automation, you will need to have successfully installed the Alyce for Salesforce integration. Please review this article to get started with installing the Alyce for Salesforce integration.

Step 1: Go to Organization Settings within your Alyce instance.

Step 2: Within your Organization Settings, find the “Salesforce” automation within the “Automations” section of your Organization Settings and click “Connect”.

Step 3: Expand the “Manage your Salesforce integration” section (if not already expanded), and click “Connect”. You can ignore the Advanced settings section.

Note: If you are connecting to a Salesforce Sandbox, change the “Sandbox” dropdown to “Yes”.

Step 4:Enter your Salesforce credentials and “Login” to your Salesforce instance. When prompted to “Allow Access?”, click “Allow”.

To confirm that you have installed successfully, you should see a check-mark and “Connected” status next to your Salesforce integration. 

Congratulations, you have successfully installed and enabled the Alyce for Salesforce automation! To get started with the integration, refer to this article.