Adding an Alyce gift as an Influitive Reward

Now that you have Connected your Alyce and Influitive accounts and created your Alyce campaign, now it is time to add your first Alyce gift as a reward in Influitive.

Please note that as of publishing, Alyce supports the fulfillment of Gift Cards only. Physical Gift support is coming soon.

Step 1: Decide which gift you would like to add as an Influitive Reward & note the campaign ID, Product ID & gift card denomination you wish to offer

  • Currently, only gift cards are supported
  • See this article for our most common gift ID details
    • If you wish to add any product(s) not found on this page, reach out to [email protected] for further assistance.
  • To find your campaign ID, Open Alyce and navigate to

Step 2: Open the Influitive Admin portal and navigate to Program > Rewards > Add a Reward

Step 3: Select "Create a Reward from scratch"

Step 4: Fulfillment Tab

  • Select "Manual" fulfillment
  • You can select "Administrator Approval Required" if you wish to manually approve each gift before Influitive requests the gift from Alyce.

When you're done, click "Details"

Step 5: Details Tab

  • Fill out the Name, Description, Image and Type fields. These do not impact the Alyce integration, so you can name these as you wish.
    • Note: We currently support fulfillment of only Gift Cards via Influitive
  • Provider field: Alyce
  • Type: leave blank
  • Sku
    • It is necessary to assemble a SKU using the alyce campaign ID, product ID, and denomination (if applicable).
    • For example, if your campaign ID is 12345, and you want to send a $75 Amazon gift card, your SKU would be 12345-22392-75

Step 6: Redeeming Tab

  • Fill this tab out as you wish. Please leave "Shipping information" tick box unticked, as recipients will enter their address in Alyce, if required.

Step 7: Eligibility Tab

  • These rules have no bearing on Alyce gift redemption - fill out as you wish.

Step 8: Click "Save Reward"

Success! Your Influitive participants can now redeem this Alyce reward. Repeat these steps to add additional reward options.