Alyce Custom Marketplace

Alyce believes strongly in the Power of Choice. But too many choices are just overwhelming! Create a Custom Marketplace to gift with a theme, make a curated gift selection, and provide a fun recipient experience.

Please note: The Alyce Custom Marketplace feature is available for 1:Many, Personal Gifting, Prospecting, and Redemption Card Campaigns.

Create a Custom Marketplace

Start by opening the Marketplace

Click the green button to the right to Create a New Marketplace

Set up your Marketplace in the settings panel. You don't need to worry about making it perfect now; you can edit everything except the Destination Countries later.

Marketplace Details

Give your Marketplace a descriptive name so it's easy to select in future campaigns.

Add teams who can access the Marketplace. Only Teams listed here will see this Marketplace as an option when creating campaigns.


Custom Marketplaces can be set for multiple countries. Please note that if physical gifts are unavailable in a particular country, the Gift Budget for physical items will be greyed out.

Note that if you set a Custom Marketplace and exclude a country included in your campaign, you cannot choose a gift for that country. Custom Marketplace countries cannot be edited, even though the country options in a campaign can be edited.

Gift Budget

Physical gifts have a cost minimum and maximum. If a particular item doesn't appear in the next step, please ensure the gift cost falls in the selected range.

Gift cards and donations have a single price range. Selecting $50, for example, will result in recipients being presented only with $50 gift cards or donations.

Once your settings are saved, you will be directed back to the Marketplace, where you can select gifts. 

Adding Items to the Marketplace

Add individual items by hovering over the image and clicking "Add to Marketplace."

Remove individual items by clicking "Remove from Marketplace."

To bulk add all gifts that fit your search parameters, click "Add All to Marketplace" and remove all current selections with "Remove All from Marketplace."

Your Custom Marketplace is now ready to use.

Using the Custom Marketplace

Navigate to your Campaign 

For 1:Many Campaigns, click "Settings" in the top navigation bar. Then go to "Gift" on the left bar and select "Option to exchange their gift within a Custom Marketplace" under "Gift Exchange Options." Remember to choose the name of your custom marketplace and save the changes.

For Personal Gifting Campaigns, select the "Gift Invites" tab and click the "Change" button for "Custom Marketplace." Select the Marketplace you created to limit gifts in your campaign to this Marketplace.

For the Gift Code Redemption campaign, select the "Swag Invites" tab and click "Choose a Custom Marketplace." Select the Marketplace you created. Save the changes.

For Prospecting Campaigns, click "Settings" in the top navigation bar. Then go to "Gift" on the left bar and select "Use a custom marketplace" under Gift Details.

Select the Marketplace you created to limit gifts in your campaign to this Marketplace and Save the changes.

And voilà! When recipients exchange their gifts, they will see only the products in your Custom Marketplace.

Happy Gifting!