Getting Started: How to Create an Alyce 1:Many Campaign

Alyce offers you an alternative to sending one gift at a time by using a universal gift link. Through the universal gift link, team members have the ability to engage with a static and dynamic list of contacts by sharing the link in emails, landing pages, or direct messages. 

Note: The universal link may be used in your sales or marketing automation tools. Alyce does not send 1:Many invitations through the Alyce system.

From the main dashboard, click the Campaigns tab, then click the "Create a Campaign" button.

Select the 1:Many Campaign type

Name your campaign and assign it to a team. The campaign owner will be an admin on the selected team, and later you can set up custom links for additional members of the team.

Please Note: 1:Many Campaigns can be utilized in multiple countries. However, be aware that if you want to gift to multiple countries, you will need to select a leading gift for each country you select. You also will be unable to add or remove countries once the campaign is created.

When sending the link to your prospects, Alyce allows you to create multiple links which can be attributed to individual gifters. This also personalizes gifts by adding individual signatures to Gift Landing Pages. Select how you’d like to set that up here.

If you choose to have unique links for each team member, those will appear under Gift Links in the Campaign Settings. 

Next, choose what email notifications you’d like to receive. Alyce can notify a Campaign Manager or an Attributed Sender, or both. 

Now that your Campaign framework is set up, let’s choose a leading gift.

Click the Filter button to narrow down the Marketplace and help select a gift. Once you’ve chosen the perfect initial gift, you can customize how your recipients can accept their gift. Read more about Gift Exchange Options here.

Please Note: The Alyce Marketplace will default to $50 gift cards. To choose a different denomination, please adjust the filters to the desired amount to see gift card options at your select denomination. If you have already selected a $50 gift card or donation, you will need to select the item in the new denomination to change the leading gift.

Custom Marketplaces (if available on your Alyce plan) are a great way to narrow the exchange options to a preselected set of gifts. This can be gift cards or donations with a particular theme, as well as physical items and subscriptions.

Read more about setting up a Custom Marketplace here.

Connect With the Perfect Message

Set a message for your Gift Landing Page, or upload a video with your message.

Learn about Best Practices for Alyce Invitation Messages and How to Add Video to Gift Landing Pages

Alyce Campaigns also allow you to set a Post Gift CTA to guide your recipient to next steps. Learn more at How to set up a Post Gift CTA in a Campaign

Recipient Actions allows you to choose what actions a recipient must take to accept their gift. Learn more about what actions to require here.

Now that you’ve chosen your Campaign Settings, decided on a leading gift, and determined what information you need from your prospects, it’s time to create a list of recipients. 

Upload a static list, or create a list in Marketo. If uploading a static list, make sure to use the Recipient Bulk Upload Template provided in the dashboard, including headers, so everything goes smoothly.

You can also decide if you’d like to enable Gifting on the Fly for this campaign.

Once your list is uploaded, you’ll find a final overview page. If anything looks wrong, hit the back button to return to the relevant settings page. If you’re satisfied, click “Create Campaign” and you’re ready to go!

Copy the gift link to share in an email sequence, as part of a webinar registration, and more. 

To Edit Your Campaign

Select the campaign in the Campaign list

Once opened, you’ll see a navigation bar at the top of the page. Click into the area you wish to update. To copy your gift links, click on “Gift Links” in this navigation bar.

Note: if your reps do not have a calendar connected for scheduling meetings, you can send a reminder to them individually from this page.