Quick Start Guide: Alyce for Salesforce Integration

The Alyce for Salesforce Integration is one of the most widely used Alyce Integrations and allows for Organizations to:

  • Create 1:1 personal gifts in Salesforce
  • Create Alyce campaigns from within Salesforce and link Alyce Campaigns to Salesforce
  • View and report on gifts sent through Alyce to track ROI, Opportunities influenced, and more

This Guide will help get you started with what you need to know before integrating Alyce with Salesforce and what the next steps are to move forward.

Benefits of Integrating

The Salesforce Integration allows users to access Alyce from within Salesforce eliminating the need to leave Salesforce to send 1:1 personal gifts. In addition to this Alyce sends all the gift data from an Org to Salesforce making it easier to report on gifting trends, impacts on Opportunities, and usage of Alyce.

You can also sync Salesforce Campaigns with Alyce allowing campaign member statuses to update based on the gifting flow. The gift data sent to Salesforce can be used across other platforms including Outreach and Marketo. We have found that customers that integrate Alyce with Salesforce see greater success with their gifting strategies.

What are the steps for Integration and how long does it take?

The steps include:

  1. Fill out our Salesforce Intake Form
  2. Install the package - Installing or Upgrading the Alyce for Salesforce Integration
  3. Configure the package - Configuring the Alyce Salesforce 2.0 Integration
  4. Update Layouts - Adding Alyce Components to Salesforce Page Layouts - Salesforce Lightning
  5. Sync gifts (If there is past gift data) - Salesforce Synchronize All Gifts and Customization Why Synchronize?
  6. Report on your performance - Reporting in Salesforce with Alyce Gift Data

The entire process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours to complete depending on the complexity of the salesforce environment and the level of expertise your team has. 

Technical Requirements

Your Salesforce Org must have access to API and a user with full Salesforce Admin permissions must be the one to set up the Integration. The Alyce Team also needs to know the Salesforce Org ID you are connecting to and the email of the user that is making the connection. (You can simply email this to [email protected] and we'll help!)

How does the integration interact with our Salesforce Instance?

The Integration is added to your Salesforce through a managed package. Data is updated in real-time through API calls. Alyce sends data to a custom "gift" object that is added during installation. More information about what is included in our Managed Package can be found here: Alyce for Salesforce Application Components Overview

Can we test the integration in a Sandbox first?

Yes, you absolutely can and it is recommended that you do in order to avoid any potential issues in production. Please reach out to [email protected] about how to set up a Sandbox account. 

What is Alyce for Salesforce 2.0+?

In October of 2021, we released a major update to our Managed Package. The main difference between 2.0 and previous versions is the use of API calls to update data in real-time. Previous versions (1.89 and lower) use batch jobs to update gift data. All customers integrating Alyce with Salesforce today will be on a version 2.0 and above. Any customer on an older release is encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.

You can see more detail about our releases here: Alyce for Salesforce Application Release Notes

We have decided we want to integrate; what are the next steps?

First fill out our Salesforce Intake Form our Support Team will let you know when the form is received and the next steps. In the meantime you can review our Install and Configuration documents below:

Installing or Upgrading the Alyce for Salesforce Integration

Configuring the Alyce Salesforce 2.0 Integration